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Cookie Policy

We use cookies to help improve your experience of This cookie policy is part of J. Brian Straka, DMD Periodontics & Implants' privacy policy, and covers the use of cookies between your device and our site.

If you don’t wish to accept cookies from us, you should instruct your browser to refuse cookies from, with the understanding that we may be unable to provide you with some of your desired content and services.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small piece of data that a website stores on your device when you visit, typically containing information about the website itself, a unique identifier that allows the site to recognize your web browser when you return, additional data that serves the purpose of the cookie, and the lifespan of the cookie itself.

Cookies are used to enable certain features (eg. logging in), to track site usage (eg. analytics), to store your user settings (eg. timezone, notification preferences), and to personalize your content (eg. advertising, language).

Cookies set by the website you are visiting are normally referred to as “first-party cookies”, and typically only track your activity on that particular site. Cookies set by other sites and companies (ie. third parties) are called “third-party cookies”, and can be used to track you on other websites that use the same third-party service.

How you can control or opt out of cookies

If you do not wish to accept cookies from us, you can instruct your browser to refuse cookies from our website. Most browsers are configured to accept cookies by default, but you can update these settings to either refuse cookies altogether, or to notify you when a website is trying to set or update a cookie.

If you browse websites from multiple devices, you may need to update your settings on each individual device.
Although some cookies can be blocked with little impact on your experience of a website, blocking all cookies may mean you are unable to access certain features and content across the sites you visit. 




Dr. Straka’s dedication to the profession extends out to many leadership positions in organized dentistry, which include past president of the Lehigh Valley Dental Society and delegate to the Pennsylvania Dental Association.


Patient Center

© 2023 J. Brian Straka Periodontics & Implants.

Opening Hours

Monday               9.00am-4.00pm

Tuesday                9.00am-5.00pm

Wednesday          Close

Thursday               9.00am-5.00pm

Friday                    9.00am-2.00pm

Our Location

3005 Brodhead Rd, Bethlehem, PA 18020 (Unit 184)


Make your appointment through online now.

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