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Operation Instructions
Pre/Post Opp Details

For the best recovery - follow our lead!


Your teeth play an important part in your daily life. It not only helps you to chew and eat your food, but frames your face. Any missing tooth can have a major impact on your quality of life.


  • Post Operative Instructions for Extractions and Oral Surgery
    Day 1: Continue biting on the gauze for 30-60 minutes following your procedure or place a warm, moist teabag against the area. Tannic acid in regular tea helps the clotting process. . Do NOT spit, rinse, suck (using a straw), smoke, drink carbonated or alcoholic beverages for at least 24 hours. Passively empty your mouth when needed. The goal is to keep blood clot in the socket to prevent bleeding and a painful complication known as DRY SOCKET Day 2: You will most likely experience one or more of the following symptoms: Minor pain, swelling, bruising, limitation in opening or closing your mouth, pain in jaw or ear, sore throat. It is important to listen to your body and take it easy. No heavy lifting, spitting, sucking, alcohol or smoking. Oral hygiene: Avoid brushing the surgical site. A prescription mouth rinse will be given to you to keep the area clean. A gentle lukewarm salt water rinse can be used as well. But again, do not spit; just let the fluid passively empty. The corners of your mouth may become cracked and dry – moisturize frequently. Discomfort: Over-the-counter- pain medication (Ibuprofen, Aleve, and Tylenol) may be taken as directed on the bottle to relieve discomfort. Swelling: Apply cold compresses to affected area at 10 minute intervals for the first 24 hours to minimize swelling. Any swelling that occurs usually begins to diminish within 72 hours; call the office if there is no change. Bleeding: Some oozing of blood is normal for the first 12-24 hours. Put a hand towel on your pillow as some drooling can occur when you are numb. If you experience excessive bleeding, apply firm pressure with 1-2 folded gauze pads or damp tea bag on the affected area for 30-60 minutes and keep your head elevated. Call the office if the bleeding does not subside. Diet: Drink plenty of fluids. Avoid carbonated and alcoholic beverages. A soft diet will be easiest: yogurt, milkshakes (no straw), soups, fish, pasta. Nothing too spicy is recommended. It is normal to have a little tenderness while chewing and difficulty opening wide. Stitches: If you have received sutures, avoid playing with them. A fifteen minute appointment will be needed to remove the sutures in 7-10 days. Prescriptions: If you have been prescribed antibiotics, take them as directed until they are all gone, even if symptoms dissipate. Some antibiotics can interfere with the effectiveness of birth control pills or other medications. If pain medication or a mouth rinse is prescribed take as directed. In case of any unusual disturbances, questions or any post-surgical problems, please call the office 610-814-6277. If it is after hours Dr. Straka can be paged at 7-800-761-8242. Download PDF Post Operative Instructions for Extractions and Oral Surgery
  • Pre-Operative Instructions
    Aspirin or any blood thinner medications should be stopped as instructed by Dr. Straka prior to your appointment and the day of your appointment. Vitamin E and fish oil, if they are not taken as a multivitamin must be stopped as well. You may take three 200mg ibuprofen tablets (Advil) one hour prior to appointment unless your medical history forbids the taking of ibuprofen or NSAIDs. For children, only give them recommended dose per their body weight (directions on bottle). Please call the office if you do not know if you can take ibuprofen. Please take all daily medications prescribed by your physician, especially for high blood pressure. Please eat a good meal prior to your appointment. A meal high in protein is recommended. You will be on a soft food diet (pasta, soup, rice, yogurt, and fish) for 2-3 days after your procedure. Please wear loose, comfortable clothing. If you prefer listening to your own music selection or an audio book, please feel free to bring headphones for your phone, iPod, etc. Please inform our office of any changes in your medical history prior to your appointment. Please feel free to call and ask any questions prior to your appointment. Download PDF for Pre-Operative Instructions
  • Surgical Stent Instructions
    Do not remove your stent for a minimum of 24 hours to a maximum of 48 hours. Slight bleeding or oozing may occur and make the front teeth look pink/red. You may gently rinse with the stent in your mouth. The stent protects the clot so vigorous rinsing may remove the clot and make bleeding worse. After a minimum of 24 hours and no oozing/bleeding is present, you may remove the stent and use the prescribed mouth rinse two times a day with light swishing. Warm salt water may be used as well. After 24 hours, remove and clean the stent under tap water. At this time you my gently brush your teeth avoiding the roof of your mouth and the area the graft was placed. Wear the stent for the next 7-10 days after surgery, especially during the night and while you eat. After the 7th day, you may wear the stent as you fell necessary for comfort. If bleeding on the palate should occur at any time, place a moistened teabag directly on the area that is bleeding for 10 to 15 minutes and apply pressure. Remember to remove the stent first. Download PDF of Surgical Stent Instructions
  • Post Operative Instructions
    The following instructions have been prepared for you in regard to the procedure that has just been performed, please read them carefully. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask. Avoid Chewing on the side with sutures. Eat soft foods (pasta, soups, eggs, fish, etc.) for the next five days. Do not go on a diet. Proper nutrition is essential to rapid healing. Do not eat spicy, excessively hot (temperature), hard, or crunchy foods (example: popcorn). Avoid Brushing the area until the sutures are removed, but do not neglect the other areas of your mouth. If a prescription rinse has been prescribed, rinse the area twice a day for 30 seconds after brushing and flossing. You can also rinse with warm salt water (1tsp salt to 8oz warm water) for the next three days to keep it clean. Slight Bleeding may occur for the first 12 hours. Oozing of blood will appear to be greatly exaggerated when it mixes with saliva. If bleeding occurs, place pressure on the area with moist gauze pad for 20 minutes or place a warm, moist teabag against the area. Tannic acid in regular tea helps the clotting process. You can carry on with your normal activities, but avoid vigorous exercise. Some Discomfort is to be expected after the anesthesia wears off. This usually lasts for one to two days. This can be controlled by taking 600mg ibuprofen (3 Advil) every 4-6 hours. If you cannot take ibuprofen (Motrin/NSAIDs) a substitute medication will be prescribed. Slight Swelling may occur. To keep this to a minimum, gently place an ice pack on the outside of your face for 10-15 minutes and then remove it for 10-15 minutes. Do this for the first 24 hours after your procedure. The Dressing or Surgical Pack acts as a bandage and may not always be placed. It is there for your comfort. Do not worry if the pack loosens or falls out. You can throw it away if it comes completely out, DO NOT try to put back in. Continue to rinse the area to keep it clean. Please take Medication as prescribed. If you were given a prescription for an antibiotic, it is important you to complete the entire prescription. If you are a woman on birth control, please be aware that antibiotics can affect your birth control so use extra precautions. Do not be alarmed if you notice tooth sensitivity, tenderness, slight fever, or apparent looseness. These can all be side effects of the procedure. If you have any problems, questions, or concerns please feel free to call the office. If you have an emergency after house you can page Dr. Straka at 1-800-761-8242. Download PDF of Post Operative Instructions


Dr. Straka’s dedication to the profession extends out to many leadership positions in organized dentistry, which include past president of the Lehigh Valley Dental Society and delegate to the Pennsylvania Dental Association.


Patient Center

© 2023 J. Brian Straka Periodontics & Implants.

Opening Hours

Monday               9.00am-4.00pm

Tuesday                9.00am-5.00pm

Wednesday          Close

Thursday               9.00am-5.00pm

Friday                    9.00am-2.00pm

Our Location

3005 Brodhead Rd, Bethlehem, PA 18020 (Unit 184)


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